Jaime Schmidt started this American company from humble beginnings, with a knowledge that the parabens, aluminium, propylene glycol & phthalates found in most conventional underarm deodorants are extremely harmful and could even lead to diseases such as cancer. With a passion to research the best, most effective alternatives she set out on her mission, backed by her innate interest and love of natural body products.
She invested in research and testing that was invaluable and finally she knew she had developed a product that legitimately worked all day, felt great on the skin, and smelled incredible. She received such amazing reviews about their effectiveness that she started taking her product further afield. Soon her 100% natural deodorants were selling out, and to date have received wide acclaim from numerous magazines, lifestyle gurus and beauty bloggers. Schmidt’s has succeeded in changing the way many people think about deodorant – it can be 100% natural and really luxurious too!