Crafty Cultures
Crafty Cultures was founded in 2015 by Carike de Villiers. She’s passionate about sharing ancient culinary arts so that you can prepare wholesome food for your family while learning lots and having fun! Crafty Cultures imports a range of living bacteria cultures you can use to make your own cultured and fermented foods at home – creamy homemade yoghurt, delicious cheeses, water or milk kefir or kombucha – the cultural revolution is here!
Crafty Cultures also have some really convenient kits for the beginner to get the idea of what’s involved. Making your own yoghurt and cheese gives you the option to choose healthier milk that is organic or from cows that haven’t been treated with growth hormones which has been connected to cancer. You can even culture non-dairy milky things if you like, and make nut cheeses. Become an artisan and enjoy connecting with what you eat in a tangible and tactile way - the return to real food traditions.