Review Details
Herbivore Power Porridge - Vanilla Almond
Product Review (submitted on 17 March 2018):
I've tried the Herbivore clusters and the porridge, both are great. Sprouted buckwheat is the key - basically meaning it's been soaked in water for a bit and then 'activated' (hydrated at a low temperature).
@Leeleee I also find myself frustrated with a lot of organic cereals, but for me it's about the amount of cheap stuff I don't like if I'm paying a fortune for the product, such as oats. This product doesn't have that - you're getting quality product, not to mention the sprouting process. I sometimes make a similar cereal (guess you could try that, grind up similar ingredients leaving out the ones you're allergic to) but I still find myself going back to buying this one when I don't have time to make my own.
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